Our First V.I.P. Party

It was such a fun place for the two hours it lasted: Kids cheered. Adults (young and old) were full of smiles. Us employees were even a little giddy!

A little while ago for the first time ever, we made an offer for people to come to a free exclusive V.I.P. party where our staff would shoot video and take pictures for our future website.


We were overwhelmed by the number of applicants. So many people offered to get dressy and camera-ready and for that we are forever grateful!

A videography team came over from Baltimore to get some professional footage of everyone having fun. We just sent over the hard drive to another company for editing!

It’s an exciting time. Energy is high and we’re so pumped for the day when you guys to be able to see all the footage!

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Working Hard!

We’re doing a bunch of behind-the-scenes stuff for you guys.

A lot of it we can’t talk about yet, sadly, but right now we’ll gladly share with you what we can!

logo stickers

Some epic new stickers just came in! These should be more fade-resistant than our old ones and, in my opinion, the color is a lot better on these. We’re super excited to let you guys sport these stickers– we’re really proud of them!

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We’ve also been playing with different types of tokens for the infamous Wizard of Oz game. What do you think of this Dorothy-styled token?


Again, there’s a lot of things happening we can’t talk about yet. But it’s coming, and within the next few months, you’ll really start to see where all our hard work is going!

Many points and much happiness to you,

-Solomon at Zelky’s

Why We’re Starting a Blog

IMG_3973Dear Zelky’s Beach Arcade followers,

Playing games is relieving. Having family time is splendid. Seeing how many tickets you can get is amazing. Getting a big win is fantastic. Trying to beat your friend or your family at a game is irresistible.

It’s our goal to make sure every time you leave our arcade you leave with great memories.

We love to create memories. That’s why we exist: to help you create lifelong memories!

We thought a blog would be valuable to you for that very reason.

This blog is to give you a behind-the-scenes look at what’s happening at Zelky’s– the prizes we’re preparing for you, the games we’re getting ready to release, the work that goes into the feeling you experience when you step into our facilities, and more.

Our intent and hope is to bring the arcade to you. We can’t contain the joy and excitement we feel over here and we want you to feel it too!

We hope after you read a new Zelky’s blog post you walk away with a stronger appreciation for making true memories with those you love.

Keep an eye out for more blog posts!

Here’s to making great memories,


-Solomon at Zelky’s